In close collaboration with the Panayotis and Effie Michelis Foundation, which frequently sponsors the Society’s activities, the Society has organised the following conferences and symposia:

● International Symposium of the International Federation of Landscape Architects / IFLA, “Aesthetic and Functional Values in Landscape Design”, in collaboration with the Pan-Hellenic Association of Landscape Architects (PSAT), Athens 1988.
● Anglo-Hellenic Symposium on Aesthetics, “Aesthetics in Education, Culture and Tradition”, Athens 1994, in memory of Panayotis Michelis on the 25th anniversary of his death. Organised in collaboration with the British Society of Aesthetics.
● Conference on “Children and Aesthetic Education”, Athens 1996.
● Anglo-Hellenic Symposium on Aesthetics, “Aesthetics in Education, Culture and Tradition”, Oxford 1996. Organised in collaboration with the British Society of Aesthetics.
● Franco-Hellenic Symposium on Aesthetics, “L’art comme Contestation”, Athens 1997, in collaboration with the French Society of Aesthetics (Société Française d’Esthétique).
● Symposium of the Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Ioannina, “The question of Art today”, Ioannina 1998.
● International Conference, “Art and Landscape”, in collaboration with the International Federation of Landscape Architects/IFLA and the Pan-Hellenic Association of Landscape Architects (PSAT), Athens 1998.
● One-day Conference on “Aesthetics and Education”, in collaboration with the Pedagogical Studies Society of Komotini, Komotini 2001.
● International Conference “New Prospects in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art”, organised as part of the Executive Committee Meeting of the International Association for Aesthetics (IAA), Athens 2003.
● Συνέδριο με θέμα “Η σημασία της φιλοσοφίας στην αρχιτεκτονική εκπαίδευση”, Πάτρα 2009. Τμήμα Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών.

At the initiative of the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics, the first Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics entitled “Aesthetics on the Threshold of the Third Millennium”, was organised in Athens in 2000. This event has become an institution, thereby implementing an idea by the President of the Society, Dionysis A. Zivas. During the congress, the decision was taken to establish a permanent Secretariat for the Mediterranean Congresses at the Michelis Foundation.
Following the success of the 1st Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics and with the aid of this new Secretariat, the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics and the Michelis Foundation provided support to both the 2nd Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics in Tunisia in 2003 entitled “Spaces and Memories” and the 3rd Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics in Slovenia in 2006 entitled “Imagination, Sensuality and Art”.
The 4th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics entitled “Art and Time” took place in Amman, Jordan in June 2008.
The 5th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics with the general subject “Art, Emotion and Value” took place in Cartagena, Spain in July 2011.
The 8th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics and the Interim Conference of the International Association for Aesthetics are being organised by the Hellenic Society of Aesthetics, as well as the International Association of Aesthetics. The common topic of the Congress and the Interim Conference is “AESTHETICS OF EVERYDAY LIFE IN CONTEMPORARY CITIES.
The Mediterranean Congress is organised under the auspices of the Michelis Foundation and the Architectural School of the NTUA and it will take place at the European Cultural Center of Delphi, from the 10th till the 12th of September 2020.
The 8th Mediterranean Congress is anniversary, as it marks the foundation of the institution of the Mediterranean Congresses of Aesthetics two decades ago, under the initiative of the late President of the Hellenic Society of Aesthetics D. Zivas.
The Congresses of the International Association of Aesthetics are happening every four years. Traditionally, between two congresses an interim congress is being held. Our country took over the task to organise the Interim Conference –i.e. between the 21st and the 22nd Mediterranean Congress, which, in this instance, will simultaneously take place with the Mediterranean Congress in Delphi.
The Hellenic Society for Aesthetics has had the volumes containing the proceedings of the Mediterranean Congresses digitised (kept in the Library of the Michelis Foundation in the IAA collection) and uploaded on its website the relevant tables of contents so as to give scholars an idea of the existing material.
● CONGRESS 1 (Athens 2000), Annals for Aesthetics, Volume 41Α, Contents
● CONGRESS 1 (Athens 2000), Annals for Aesthetics, Volume 41B, Contents
● CONGRESS 2 (Tunisia, 2003), Contents
● Meeting of the Executive Committee of the IAA (Athens, 2003), Annals for Aesthetics, Volume 42, Contents
● CONGRESS 3 (Slovenia, 2006), Contents
● CONGRESS 4 (Jordan, 2008), Contents