MCA 2020 (Postponed to 2021)

The 8th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics and the Interim Conference of the International Association for Aesthetics are being organised by the Hellenic Society of Aesthetics, as well as the International Association of Aesthetics. The common topic of the Congress and the Interim Conference is “AESTHETICS OF EVERYDAY LIFE IN CONTEMPORARY CITIES.” The Mediterranean Congress is organised under the auspices of the Michelis Foundation and the Architectural School of the NTUA and it will take place at the European Cultural Center of Delphi, in September 2021 (Postponed due to the Covid-19 Pandemic)

The congress aims to a creative debate between philosophers, aestheticians, art theorists and theorists of architecture, as well as artists, architects, urban and landscape designers, theorists and researchers of culture and the media, who are interested in formulating a critical contemplation, in relation to the aesthetics of everyday life in contemporary cities.

Papers should focus on the following topics:

A. AESTHETICS OF EVERYDAY LIFE AND CULTURE 1. Aesthetics, space and cultural differences in domestic life2. The intercultural in art and architecture 3. Aesthetics, art and architecture in daily activities 4. Life as art and art as life 5. Somaesthetics

B. URBAN AESTHETICS  1. Local/Global aspects of contemporary cities 2. The aesthetics of the uncanny in public life 3. Technology, art and architecture in the contemporary city 4. The aesthetics of neighborhoods 5. Aesthetics and social conflicts  6. The aesthetics of landscape urbanism

C. ENVIRONMENTAL AESTHETICS  1. Aesthetics and nature  2. Environmental problems as aesthetic problems  3. Memory and cultural environment in a creative interaction  4. The aesthetics of disaster

D. AESTHETICS AND THE MEDIA  1. Digital media and cultural identities  2. Media and the aesthetic of the city  3. Changes in artistic practices and aesthetic experience in the digital world  4. The aesthetics of violence and the media

The call is open for submissions of 15-minute presentations. Proposals should be submitted by 15th December 2019 to the Organizing Committee of the Conference at, strictly according to the guidelines you can find here

CONFERENCE LANGUAGES: The conference languages will be Greek and English.


Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 December 2019          

Notification of accepted abstract: 15 February 2020


Early registration (until 15th May 2020) 
Members of the Hellenic Society of Aesthetics   
Students/ Accompanying Members
€ 80
Late registration/registration on site (after the 16th May 2020)    



* The fee includes transfer by coach from Athens to Delphi (Delphi cultural center) and return, conference materials and publication of conference documents in digital format (with ISBN).

The participation fee will be paid into a bank account, which will be noted in the letter of acceptance of the Organizing Committee to the speakers.

PAYMENT: The participation fee will be deposited at the Society’s Bank account, which will be noted at the acceptance letter sent by the Organising Committee to the Speakers.

THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Prof. Kaiti Dimitsantou-Kremezi, HSA Président, Prof. Helen Tatla, HSA Secretary, Prof. Vassiliki Petridou, HSA Member of the Board, Assistant Prof. Youli Rapti, HSA Member of the Board, Dr. Athena Mirasyezis, HSA Member of the Board


Sabeth Buchmann, Akademie der bildenden Künste , Wien , Austria.
Francisca Perez Carreno, Dep. of Philosophy, Univ. of Murcia, President of Spanish Association of Aesthetics, Spain.
Jörg Gleiter, Institut für Architektur, Technische Universität Berlin, ex Vice President of IAA, Germany.
Sanna Lehtinen, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland.
Vladimir Mako, Faculty of Architecture, Univ. of Belgrade, President of Serbian Society for Aesthetics, Serbia.
Vitor Moura, CEHUM/Universidad do Minho, Portugal.
Boris Orlov, Dep. of Philosophy, Federal University of Ekaterinburg, Russia
Carole Talon-Hugon, Département de Philosophie, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Deleguate of IAA, France.
Polona Tratnik, Dean, Institute of Human Studies, Univ. of Ljubljana , Slovenia.
Krystina Wilkosewska, Institute of Philosophy, Jagellonian University, Vice President of IAA, Poland.

Grammatiki Alatzoglou-Themeli, Dep. of History, Ionian University.
Georgia Apostolopoulou, Dep. of Philosophy, University of Ioannina, Delegate of HSA.
Νiki-Chara Banakou-Karagouni, Dep.of Philosophy, National and Κapodistrian University of Athens.
Konstantine Boudouris, Dep. of Philosophy, National and Κapodistrian University of Athens, ex-President of the Council of Greek philosophical Society. Elias Constantopoulos, Dep. of Architecture, University of Patras.
Kaiti Dimitsantou – Kremezi, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, President of HSA.
Dimitris Fatouros, Dep. of Architecture, University of Thessaloniki.
Athanasia Glycofrydi-Leontsini, Dep. of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Byron Kaldis, Head of Dep. of Humanities, National Technical University of Athens.
Basilis Karasmanis, Dep. of Humanities, National Technical University of Athens, ex-President of the Council of Greek philosophical Society.
Maro Kardamitsi-Adami, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens.
Alexandros Kesisoglou, Dep. of Philology, University of Ioannina.
Εleni Maistrou, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens.
Petros Martinides, Dep. of Architecture, University of Thessaloniki.
Athena D. Mirasyesis, Hellenic Open University.
Konstantinos Moraitis, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens.
Aspasia Papadoperaki, Sculptor/Writer.
Vassiliki Petridou, Dep. of Architecture, University of Patras.
Youli Rapti, Dep. of Humanities, National Technical University of Athens.
Helen Tatla, Dep. of Interior Architecture, University of West Attica.
Panayotis Tournikiotis, Dean, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens
Xiropaidis George, Dep. of Political Science and History, Pandion University.
Fay Zika, Dep. of Theory and History of Art, Athens School of Fine Arts.